Overcoming the Anxiety of College Applications

Overcoming the Anxiety of College Applications

Anxiety. It's hard to avoid it in the college search process. With an ever-changing landscape and countless possibilities, it's no wonder why embarking on this road can be overwhelming and anxiety-producing. It is a life-determining decision with a big price tag and significant, long-lasting, implications for you or your children. Add to these monumental pressures the erroneously perceived identity, status, and worth that gets tied to where a student gets accepted and chooses to attend. In my experience, there are few things that can produce this much anxiety for 18-year-olds and their families. 

Being Responsible with Technology

Being Responsible with Technology

In life, responsibility produces freedom. If you are not responsible for your requirements, you can lose your freedoms. This is true at every age of life. It’s also a crucial character trait to teach our students and children. Thrive empowers students to try and live responsibly. Not just in who they are meant to be, but also in what they desire to accomplish. Often, this is hard for our students. Young brains are still developing the patterns that empower them to live with future…

Are Students Fascinated with their Stories?

Are Students Fascinated with their Stories?

There is no one like you. There never has been and never will be. Each student we’ve worked with is one of a kind. They’re designed to be different from the crowd, designed to stand out, and designed to bring something only they can into the world. Each time I work with a new student, I’m on the edge of my seat with excitement. I’m excited to learn what makes them unique, what makes him or her stand out from…

The Foundation of Learning is Confidence

The Foundation of Learning is Confidence

At Thrive, we believe each child is designed with a unique story, one that is full of flourishing and thriving. But, often our children cannot fully see how beautiful their stories are and they can’t focus beyond the negativity of their weaknesses. As parents and educators, we have been “commissioned” to empower them to see how beautiful…